This blog finds this outrageous.
BBC: Ivory Coast forces shoot dead six women protesters, witnesses say
This blog also expects every individual and government who quickly and loudly protests every alleged act of violence in places like Israel and the Palestinian Territories, Iraq, Afghanistan - and more recently Egypt, Tunisia, Lybia, Bahrain, etc - to express their outrage as loudly in this circumstance. Especially those who regularly mention "genocide" and "crimes against humanity" in their speeches.
Two weeks ago, David Cameron said "Countries like Britain faced a choice between our interests and our values ... and to be honest, we should acknowledge that sometimes we have made such calculations in the past ... but I say that is a false choice."
Well done, Mr. Cameron, time to put your foreign policy where your mouth is. And time for other world leaders to follow quickly.
PS This news broke out because the event was filmed with a mobile phone and uploaded to YouTube. Another example of how social media is changing history for good.
Cameriere, champagne!
Dice Trump che una tassazione del 200% sugli alcoolici francesi e europei
sarà una fenomenale spinta alla crescita dello champagne americano.
7 hours ago